Listen to me. NEVER throw away ‘dead’, (as I call them) over-ripe bananas! Pop them in the freezer (no need to peel, they have their own perfect packaging) until you need them. Then, anytime you want to make banana oat bread, you are ready to go. It’s healthy (I sort of hate that word)! only…
Spinach Artichoke Quiche
You know I love to tinker with recipes! That’s just what I’ve been doing with this Spinach Artichoke Quiche recipe out my new Love Real Food (affiliate) cookbook by Kathryne Taylor. I didn’t change too much, but like always, made it work for me, and hopefully you. This is a great addition to our 30-Day No-Processed…
Avocado raspberry and chocolate smoothie
The first (of many) official recipes for the start of our 30-Day No-Processed Food Challenge. Whoot! Now, you may think I’m off my rocker with this one, especially if you know I’m not wild about avocados, but trust me, this is a keeper. The avocado blended with frozen fruit is honestly, well, even creamier than…
Hot Cross Buns
Traditional Hot Cross Buns at Easter weren’t actually a tradition in our house, but they are now! My recipe has added whole wheat pastry flour, which makes them a bit ‘healthier’, and heartier for certain. I also experimented with the recipe a bit. A traditional recipe makes the cross with a flour and water mixture,…